Intelligrow Foundation Rural Agricultural Development Program
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Rural Agricultural Development Program

financial literacy is fundamental for unbanked individuals, as it enables them to engage with banking services. In India, however, the rural sector is not fully covered in financial inclusion due to limited financial literacy, infrastructure, and banking connectivity. Financial literacy plays a vital role in empowering individuals to use financial products and services. By combining financial literacy with inclusion, practical solutions can be developed to serve the unbanked population in India. This study seeks to explore the impact of financial literacy on the inclusion process, which, in turn, drives rural development in India.

Building Bridges to Inclusion: Financial inclusion isn't just about opening bank accounts; it's about fostering a sense of belonging and participation in the formal economy. Through community-driven initiatives, we strive to bridge the gap between the unbanked and financial services, bringing them into the fold of mainstream development.

Our approach to rural development in India is rooted in a commitment to holistic growth. By integrating financial literacy and inclusion into our programs, we not only empower individuals but also catalyze community-wide transformation, creating a ripple effect of progress.