Empowering The Communities, Changing Lives
There are many segments of our population that continue to be invisible and hence, unserved or underserved.
The urban poor are invisible — most of them migrants, most illiterate, the voiceless service economy. They lack access to most government programs for the poor and do not have the attention of the city administration.
“Raising more money than could otherwise be possible through individual donations is a great opportunity. Chances are, many of your family members would appreciate the effort”
Their poverty is generational and multidimensional and our many engagements with them have convinced us that their only chance of exiting poverty is education. We feel that the right environment infrastructure, livelihood, healthcare, sanitation, recreation is important for education to be welcome and effective. We work on financial literacy for women and social inclusion.
Breaking the cycle of generational poverty.
• Creating a fertile environment for education.
• By eliminating infrastructural, financial, healthcare and sanitary poverty from the lives of the urban poor.
• Optimise our ability to transform communities at minimised costs through partnerships with NGOs; like-minded organisations and government programs.
“Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.“